Jul 18, 2021 | TC | 976 views
Program Information Update
Emails were sent out this weekend for all registered members. If you did not receive an email, please check your spam folder or verify your email address in your registration account.
To review, the instructions for the upcoming start of the season:
The schedule is posted on our website. Please ensure that you have the correct times for your child’s age group. All sessions will take place at Capri Rec Centre (South Windsor Arena- Pad B)
Spectators are permitted in the building. Masks and COVID protocol must be followed at all times.
COVID Screening forms must be filled out by all players and coaches prior to each session. They can be found pinned at the top of our website www.warlockslacrosse.com
Coaches will have masks on at all times on the floor. Any outstanding payments must be made prior to stepping on the floor.
Equipment needed:Lil’ Laxers (soft lacrosse) - Hockey Helmet with facemask and running shoes
Small Fries (Paperweight) - Hockey helmet with face mask, gloves, stick and running shoes
All other divisions: Hockey helmet with facemask, chest protector, kidney pads, elbow pads, gloves, stick and mouth guard.
We typically ask parents to stay off of the floor and away from the bench area during all sessions. However, for our younger groups, if your child is nervous or needs a little support from mom or dad, you will be able to enter the floor to provide some comfort. We want to ensure that this is as fun and welcoming to the little ones as possible. WMLA is excited to get back on the floor with our Warlocks. However, this is not a typical season for us due to COVID. We ask that you please have patience with us while we work out the kinks to this unusual, shortened season. Please always keep in mind that the people on the floor are volunteers, many of them older players and high school students. Please be respectful to them at all times. If you have any questions throughout the year please feel free to reach out to a board member at the arena or via email. All executives emails are posted on our website.
We can’t wait to see you all and FINALLY, get back to lax!
WMLA Executive Board