U15 REP Roster Announced, News (Windsor Warlocks Minor Lacrosse Association)

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Apr 13, 2023 | TC | 930 views
U15 REP Roster Announced
Below is the U15 REP final roster.

Any player that attended tryouts that is not on the final roster will be placed on a HL team and considered an AP player for the Rep team.  

AP's are invited to attend all REP practices as well with the possibility to be called up for games during the season.

Regular schedule to begin next week.

Any questions please contact [email protected]

Travis Jankovich
Conor Montgomery
Hunter Escobar
Seth Veres
Anderson Camileri
Brock Brennan
Anthony Hamacher
Brady Simpson
Jun Walker
Isaac Walker
Colby Baltzer-Snively
Colin Deters
Kolten Welsh
Bryson Pretty
Alex Schneider
Blake Brun
Kolton Brochu
Emma Mighton (G)
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