House League (Windsor Warlocks Minor Lacrosse Association)

PrintHouse League
The house league program is the cornerstone of the WMLA. Our goal is to operate a fun and organized program that is enjoyable for everyone involved (emphasis on FUN). Our focus is on fair play and improving the lacrosse skills of all players involved.

The house league season runs typically from early April until the end of June/first week of July.  Each age division will have two events per week.  These events are a combination of practices and games.  All of these events occur at Forest Glade Arena.  We strive to provide a consistent scheduling within age division i.e. same two nights and similar times week over week.  Our season's exact start is always to dependent on the removal of the ice from Forest Glade Arena

The first couple of weeks are usually practice/clinic focused so that players can be evaluate and rostered to a team. 
This helps us provide parity within our divisions and minimize roster changes once the season is in full swing.

Check out the Evaluation Days page for details.
